Список зарубежных публикаций по тесту на Эластазу 1
ScheBo® • Pancreatic Elastase1 Stool / Serum Test
Büchler, M., Malfertheiner, P., Uhl, W., Beger, H.G. (1986)
Diagnostic and prognostic value of serum elastase 1 in acute pancreatitis
Klin. Wochenschrift 64: 1186 — 1191
Cade, A., Walters, M.P., McGinley, N., Firth, J., Brownlee, K.G., Conway, S.P. and Littlewood, J.M. (2000)
Evaluation of Faecal Pancreatic Elastase-1 as a Measure of Pancreatic Exocrine Function in Children with Cystic Fibrosis
Ped. Pulmonol. 29: 172-176
Dominguez-Muсoz, J.E., Effert, B., Sauerbruch, T., Malfertheiner, P. (1995)
Dynamics and Factors Related with the ERCP-Induced Elevation of Serum Pancreatic Enzymes
Digestion 56: 280
Dominguez-Muсoz, J.E., Hieronymus, C., Sauerbruch, T., Malfertheiner, P. (1995)
Fecal Elastase Test: Evaluation of a New Noninvasive Pancreatic Function Test
Am. J. Gastroenterol. 90: 1834-1837
Dominguez-Muсoz, J.E., Malfertheiner, P., Hieronymus, C., Sauerbruch, T. (1994)
Human Elastase Concentration in Faeces: A Simple and Accurate Pancreatic Function Test
Klin. Lab. 40: 537
Dominguez-Muсoz, J.E., Malfertheiner, P., Hieronymus, C., Sauerbruch, T. (1994)
Human elastase concentration in faeces: a simple and accurate pancreatic function test
Gastroenterology 106 (4): A 290
Doppl, W.E., Schnell-Kretschmer, H., Sziegoleit, A., Klör, H.U. (1994)
Pankreaselastase 1 im Stuhl. Ein neuer Parameter zur Funktionsdiagnostik des exokrinen Pankreas
medwelt 45: 97 — 99
Etemad, B. and Whitcomb, D.C. (2001)
Chronic pancreatitis: Diagnosis, classification, and new genetic develepments
Gastroenterol. 120: 682 — 707
Fischer, B.P., Wehler, M., Rabenstein, T., Ell, C., Hahn, E.G., Schneider, H.T. (1998)
Elastase-1 im Serum zur Früherkennung einer akuten Pankreatitis nach ERCP — Eine Pilotstudie
Z. Gastroenterol. 36: 696
Fischer, B.P., Hoh, S., Wehler, M., Hahn, E.G., Schneider, H.T. (1999)
Fecal Elastase 1 in Diarrhoea: Lyophilization of Stool Samples may correct false low results due to elevated stool water content insufficiency
Digestion 60: 373, A22
Fowler, M. (1998)
Faecal Elastase I — A Suitable Test for the Investigation of Pancreatic Insufficiency in Children
Newsletter, International Association of Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, Winter 1998
Glasbrenner, B., Schön, A., Klatt, S., Beckh, K., Adler, G (1996)
Clinical evaluation of the faecal elastase test in the diagnosis and staging of chronic pancreatitis
Eur. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 8: 1117-1120
Gullo, L., Graziano, L., Babbini, S., Battistini, A., Lazzari, R., Pezzilli, R. (1997)
Faecal elastase 1 in children with cystic fibrosis
Eur J Pediatr 156: 770-772
Gullo, L., (1999)
Faecal elastase 1 in chronic pancreatitis
GUT 44 (2): 291-292
Gullo, L., Ventrucci, M., Tomassetti, P., Migliori, M., Pezzilli, R. (1999)
Fecal Elastase 1 Determination in Chronic Pancreatitis
Digestive Diseases and Sciences 44 (1): 210-213
Hardt, P.D. and Kloer, H.U. (1998)
Diabetes mellitus and exocrine pancreatic disease
Pancreatic Disease: Towards the Year 2000 (eds.: Johnson, C.D. and Imrie, C.W., Springer Verlag): 33-39
Hardt, P.D., Bretz, L., Krauss, A., Schnell-Kretschmer, H., Doppl, W.E., Oezcueruemez, M., Sziegoleit, A., Kloer, H.U. (1997)
Impaired exocrine pancreatic function in cholelithiasis
Digestion 58: S2
Hardt, P.D., Bretz, L., Krauss, A., Schnell-Kretschmer, H., Wьsten, O., Nalop, J., Zekron, T., Klцr, H.U. (1997)
Pathological pancreatic exocrine function and duct morphology in patients with cholelithiasis
Digestive Diseases and Sciences 46; 3: 536-539
Hardt, P.D., Krauss, A., Bretz, L., Porsch-Цzcьrьmez, M., Schnell-Kretschmer, H., Mдser, E., Bretzel, R.G., Zekorn, T., Klцr, H.U. (2000)
Pancreatic exocrine function in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Acta Diabetol 37: 105-110
Henker, J. (2001)
Funktionsdiagnostik des Pankreas
Klin Pдdiatr 213: S3
Icks, A., Haastert, B., Giani, G., Rathmann, W.
(2001) Low Fecal Elastase-1 in Type 1 Diabetes
Mellitus Z Gastroenterol; 39: 823-830
Katschinski, M., Schirra, J., Bross, A., Arnold, R., Göke, B. (1994)
Fecal concentration of pancreatic elastase 1 accurately indicates exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
95th Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) 316: A-79
Katschinski, M., Schirra, J., Bross, A., Göke, B., Arnold, R. (1997)
Duodenal Secretion and Fecal Excretion of Pancreatic Elastase-1 in Healthy Humans and Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis
Pancreas 15,2: 191-200
Littlewood, J.M., Littlewood, A.E., Walters, M.P., Conway, S.P.
Faecal Pancreatic Elastase 1 in Cystic Fibrosis: A Useful Non-invasive Measure of Pancreatic Function
Abstract from the 21st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference (EWGCF), Davos (Switzerland), June 1-6, 1997
Löser C., Brauer, C., Aygen, S., Hennemann, O., Fцlsch, U.R. (1998)
Comparative clinical evaluation of the 13C-mixed triglyceride breath test as an indirect pancreatic function test
Scand. J. Gastroenterol. 33: 327-334
Löser C., Fölsch U. R. (1996)
Diagnostik der chronischen Pankreatitis
Dtsch. med. Wschr. 121: 243-247
Löser, C., Mölgaard, A., Fölsch, U. R. (1995)
Elastase 1 in Faeces: A Novel Highly Sensitive and Specific Pancreatic Function Test for Easy and Inexpensive Routine Application
Digestion 56: 301
Löser C., Mölgaard, A., Fölsch, U. R. (1996)
Faecal elastase 1: a novel, highly sensitive, and specific pancreatic function test
Gut 39, 580-586
Malfertheiner, P., Büchler, M., Stanescu, A., Uhl, W., Ditschuneit, H. (1987)
Serum elastase 1 in inflammatory pancreatic and gastrointestinal diseases and in renal insufficiency — A comparison with other serum pancreatic enzymes
Int. J. Pancreat. 2: 159 — 170
Nissler, K., Von Katte, I., Huebner, A., Henker, J. (2001)
Pancreatic Elastase 1 in Feces of Preterm and Term Infants
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 33: 28-31
Peters, K., Lerche, L., Stange, E.F. (1998)
Erhöhte Serum-Elastase als Risikofaktor für ein Post-ERCP-Pankreatitis
Z. Gastroenterol. 36: 697
Phillips, I.J., Rowe, D.J., Dewar, P., Connett, G. (1999)
Faecal elastase 1: A marker of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in cystic fibrosis
Ann Clin Biochem; 36: 739-742
Rathmann, W., Haastert, B., Icks, A., Giani, G., Hennings, S., Mitchell, J., Curran, S., Wareham, N.J. (2001)
Low Faecal Elastase 1 Concentrations in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Scand J Gastroenterol; 10: 1056-1061
Rathmann, W., Icks, A., Haastert, B., Giani, G., Curran, S., Mitchell, J., Hennings, S., Wareham, N.J. (1999)
Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency and Type 2 Diabetes are Strongly Associated
Abstract of 35th Annual Meeting of The European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Brussels, 28.9.-2.10.1999 / Diabetologia, Page A82; 297
Scheefers-Borchel, U., Scheefers, H., Arnold, R., Fischer, P., Sziegoleit, A. (1992)
Pankreatische Elastase 1: Parameter für die chronische und akute Pankreatitis
Lab. med. 16: 427 — 432
Seno, T., Harada, H., Ochi, K., Tanaka, J., Matsumoto, S., Choudhury, R., Mizushima, T., Tsuboi, K. & Ishida, M. (1995)
Serum Levels of Six Pancreatic Enzymes as Related to the Degree of Renal Dysfunction
The American Journal of Gastroenterology 90: 2002-2005
Soldan, W., Henker, J., Sprössig, C. (1997)
Sensitivity and Specificity of quantitative Determination of Pancreatic Elastase 1 in Feces of Children
J. Ped. Gastroenterol. Nutr. 24:53-55
Stein, J. (1996)
Where to place Human Elastase-1 in the Diagnosis of Pancreatic Insufficiency
Z. Gastroenterol. 34 (S4): 6-10
Stein, J., Caspary,W.F. (1997)
Fecal tests in the diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Clin. Lab. 43: 361-368
Stein, J., Jung, M., Bieniek, U., Scheefers, H., Lembcke, B., Caspary, W.F. (1993)
Fäkale Pankreas-Elastase 1 (E1). Ein neuer zuverlässiger Parameter zur Diagnose der exokrinen Pankreasinsuffizienz
Z. Gastroenterol. 31 (9): 543
Stein, J., Jung, M., Sziegoleit, A., Zeuzem, S., Caspary, W.F. Lembcke, B. (1996)
Immunoreactive elastase-1: Clinical evaluation of a new noninvasive test of pancreatic function
Clin. Chem. 42: 222-226
Stein, J., Jung, M., Zeuzem, S., Lembcke, B., Caspary, W.F. (1994)
Fecal elastase 1: A new tubeless test in the diagnosis of pancreatic insufficiency
Gastroenterol.106 (4): 315
Stein, J., Schoonbroodt, D., Jung, M., Lembcke, B., Caspary, W.F. (1996)
Mesure de l’ йlastase 1 fйcale par immunorйactivitй: Une nouvelle approche indirecte de la fonction pancrйatique
Gastroenterol Clin Biol 20: 424-429
Stein, J., Spirchez, Z., Lembcke, B., Caspary, F. (1997)
Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der Elastase-Bestimmung als einen neuen nicht-invasiven Test der exokrinen Pankreasinsuffizienz
Z. Gastroenterol. (Suppl. 1): 122:129
Sziegoleit, A., Krause, E., Klör, H.U., Kranacher, L. Linder, D. (1989)
Elastase 1 and Chymotrypsin B in pancreatic juice and feces
Clin Biochem. 22: 85 — 89
Sziegoleit, A., Linder, D. (1991)
Die menschliche Pankreaselastase 1
medwelt 42: 682 — 684
Terbrack, H.G., Gürtler, K.H., Hüls, G., Bittner-Dersch, P., Klör, H.U., Lindemann, H. (1996)
Humanspezifische fäkale Pankreaselastase bei Kindern
Monatsschr. Kinderheilkd. 144: 901-905
Terbrack, H.G., Hüls, G., Gürtler, K.H., Lindemann, H. (1994)
Die fäkale Pankreas-Elastase 1 als neuer, verläßlicher Parameter zur Überprüfung der exokrinen Pankreasfunktion, deren Bestimmung bereits im ersten Lebensjahr möglich ist
Klin. Lab. 40: 801
Terbrack, H.G., Gürtler, K.H., Klör, H.U., Lindemann, H. (1995)
Human Pancreatic Elastase 1 Concentration in Faeces of Healthy Children and Children with Cystic Fibrosis
Gut, 4th UEGW Berlin 2262: A 253
Ventrucci, M., Cipolla, A., Middonno, M., Racchini, C., Simoni, P., Afandi, K., Grammatico, F., Campieri, C. (2000)
Impaired Fecal Elastase Excretion in Uremic Pancreopathy
Digestive Diseases Sci 45: 2265-2269
Walkowiak, J., Cichy, W.K., Herzig, K.-H. (1999)
Comparison of Fecal Elastase-1 Determination with the Secretin-Cholecystokinin Test in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis
Scand J Gastroenterol 34: 202-207
Wallis, C., Leung, Th., Cubbit, D., Reynolds, A. (1997)
Stool elastase as a diagnostic test for pancreatic function in children with cystic fibrosis
The Lancet, 350: 1001
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