Список зарубежных публикаций о метаболическом онкомаркере Tu M2-PK
ScheBo® • Tumor M2-PK
Brinck, U., Eigenbrodt, E., Oehmke, M., Mazurek, S., Fischer. G. (1994)
L- and M2- Pyruvate Kinase Expression in Renal Cell Carcinomas and their Metastases
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Cerwenka, H., Aigner, R., Bacher, H., Werkgartner, G., El-Shabrawi, A., Quehenberger, F., Mischinger, HJ. (1999)
TUM2-PK (Pyruvate Kinase Type Tumor M2), CA19-9 and CEA in Patients with Benign, Malignant and Metastasizing Pancreatic Lesions
Anticancer Research 19: 849-852
Eigenbrodt, E., Reinacher, M., Scheefers-Borchel, U., Scheefers, H. Friis, R. (1992)
Double Role for Pyruvate Kinase Type M2 in Expansion of Phosphometabolite Pools Found in Tumor Cells
Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis, 3 (1,2): 91 — 115
Eigenbrodt, E., Basenau, D., Holthusen, S., Mazurek S., Fischer. G (1997)
Quantification of Tumor Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase (Tu M2-PK) in Human Carcinomas
Anticancer Research, 17: 3153-5156
Eigenbrodt, E., Kallinowski, F., Ott, M., Mazurek, S., Vaupel, P. (1998)
Pyruvate Kinase and the Interaction of Amino Acid and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Solid Tumors
Anticancer Research 18: 3267-3274
Fischer, G., Holzrichter S., Reinacher, M., Heinrichs, M., Dembowski, J. Eigenbrodt, E. (1989)
Immunhistochemische Darstellung der L- und M2-Pyruvatkinase in primären Nierenzellkarzinomen und deren Metastasen
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Hardt, P.D., Ngoumou, B.K., Kupp, J., Schnell-Kretschmer, H., Kloer, H.U. (2000)
Tumor M2-Pyruvate Kinase: A Promising Tumor Marker in the Diagnosis of Gastro-intestinal Cancer
Anticancer Research 20: 4965-4968
Hugo, F., Fischer, G., Eigenbrodt, E. (1999)
Quantitative Detection of Tumor M2-PK in Serum and Plasma
Anticancer Research, 19: 2753-2758
LЭftner, D., Mesterharm, J., Akrivakis, C., Geppert, R., Petrides, P.E., Wernecke, K.-D., Possinger, K. (2000)
Tumor Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase Expression in Advanced Breast Cancer
Anticancer Research 20: 5077-5082
Mazurek, S., Scheefers-Borchel, U., Scheefers, H., Michel, A., Fischer, G., Basenau, D., Dahlmann, N., Laumen R., Eigenbrodt E. (1993)
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Mazurek, S., Grimm, H., Wilker, S., Leib, S., Eigenbrodt, E. (1998)
Metabolic Characteristics of Different Malignant Cancer Cell Lines
Anticancer Research 18: 3275-3282
Mazurek, S., Grimm, H., Oehmke, M., Weisse, G., Teigelkamp, S., Eigenbrodt, E. (2000)
Tumor M2-PK and Glutaminolytic Enzymes in the Metabolic Shift of Tumor Cells
Anticancer Research 20: 5151-5154
Oremek, G.M., Bickeboeller, R., Seiffert, U.B., Jonas, D. (1995)
Aussagekraft des neuen Tumormarkers Tumor M2-PK bei Patienten mit Hodentumor
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Value of the Serum Levels of the Tumor Marker Tu M2-PK in Pancreatic Cancer
Anticancer Research, 17: 3031-3034
Oremek, G.M., Kramer, W., Eigenbrodt, E., Usadel, K.H. (1998)
Tumor M2-PK as a Marker for the Diagnosis of Malignant Tumors of the Kidney
Tumor Biol 19 (suppl 2): 42
Oremek, G.M., Kramer, W., Eigenbrodt, E., Usadel, K.-H. (1998)
Tumor M2-PK: Der erste zuverlässige Tumormarker zur Diagnostik maligner Nierentumoren
J Lab Med 22 (11): 670
Oremek, G.M., Teigelkamp, S., Kramer, W., Eigenbrodt E., Usadel, K.-H. (1999)
The Pyruvate Kinase Isoenzyme Tumor M2 (Tumor M2-PK) as a Tumor Marker for Renal Carcinoma
Anticancer Research, 19: 2599-2602
Oremek, G.M., Sapoutzis, M., Kramer, W., Bickeboeller, R., Jonas, D. (2000)
Value of Tumor M2 (Tu M2-PK) in Patients with Renal Carcinoma
Anticancer Research 20: 5095-5098
Presek, P., Reinacher, M. Eigenbrodt, E. (1988)
Pyruvate kinase type M2 is phosphorylated at tyrosine residues in cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus
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Scheefers-Borchel, U., Scheefers, H., Michel, A., Will, H., Fischer, G., Basenau, D., Dahlmann, N., Laumen, R., Mazurek, S., Eigenbrodt E. (1994)
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Schneider, J., Morr, H., Velcovsky, H.-G., Eigenbrodt, E. (1998)
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J Lab Med 22 (11): 670
Schneider, J., Morr, H., Velkovsky, H.-G., Eigenbrodt, E. (1998)
Quantitative Detection of Tumor M2-PK in EDTA-Plasma of Patients with Lung Cancer
Tumor Biol 19 (suppl 2): 39
Schneider, J., Morr, H., Velcovsky, H.G., Weisse, G., Eigenbrodt, E. (2000)
Quantitative Detection of Tumor M2-Pyruvate Kinase in Plasma of Patients with Lung Cancer in Comparison to Other Lung Diseases
Cancer Detection and Prevention 24(6): 531-535
Schneider, J., Neu, K., Grimm, H., Velcovsky, H.G., Weisse, G., Eigenbrodt, E. (2001)
Tumor M2-Pyruvate Kinase in Lung Cancer Patients: Immunohistochemical Detection and Disease Monitoring
Anticancer Research (in press)
Schneider, J., Velcovsky, H.G., Morr, H., Katz, N., Neu, K., Eigenbrodt, E. (2000)
Comparison of the Tumor Markers Tumor M2-PK, CEA, Cyfra 21-1, NSE and SCC in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Anticancer Research 20: 5053-5058
Schulze, G. (2000)
The Tumor Marker Tumor M2-PK: An Application in the Diagnostic of Gastrointestinal Cancer
Anticancer Research 20: 4961-4964
Steinberg, P., Klingelhöffer, A., Schäfer, A., Wüst, G., Weiße, G., Oesch, F., Eigenbrodt, E. (1999)
Expression of pyruvate kinase M2 in preneoplastic hepatic foci of N-nitrosomorpholine-treated rats
Virchows Arch 434: 213-220
Wechsel, H.W., Petri, E., Feil, G., Bichler, K.-H. (1997)
Tumor Specific Pyruvate Kinase (Tumor M2-PK): A potential marker for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) !
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Die plasmainaktive Form der Pyruvatkinase (pTuM2Pk) beim Nierenzellkarzinom: ein geeigneter Tumormarker ?
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Wechsel, H.W., Petri, E., Bichler, K.-H., Feil G. (1999)
Marker for Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): The Dimeric Form of Pyruvate Kinase Type M2 (Tumor M2-PK)
Anticancer Research 19: 2583-2590
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